Low Porosity


4C.. or not 4C? That is the question...

Hi I'm Ugonna, but the cool kids call me Ugo!

(actually most of the cool kids don't call me at all let's be real for a sec)

For about eight years, I've created several personal creative projects across varying mediums, from cartoons, to stories, to films. Through the years, I've found myself often centering my works around my life, as it was familiar to me. The spontaneous, unforgiving, and random nature of it made me want to embrace it, and share it the world. After making several different iterations of shows, comics, and other media relating to my life, I decided I wanted to put all of my efforts into one cohesive brand called 'Low Porosity', where I release and make comics, animated shorts, and drawings based on the world around me, with a fun, fictional, and engaging twist!

“Low Porosity” features fictional misadventures and misfortune based off of the real misfortune I encounter regularly. It not only signals a shift in tone from my previous auto-biographical works (to something more mature), but the mediums and forms of content I’ll be pushing out will act as my very own coping mechanism as well (LOL).

(somebody give this man a hug! HURRY!)

I really want to hone in on who I am, my values, and what gives my life its substance that I find so worth sharing with others. I think doing so, while using several different types of media, all under one, now uniform moniker, (Low Porosity), will set me up to be free in telling the genuine, self deprecating, diversity focused, socially aware stories I’ve been meaning to tell. Fictional takes from a non fictional source, I like to call it. And with a name like "Low Porosity", I don't think it can get any better!

Join Ugo and his friends as they tackle life, and foresee all the unforeseeable circumstances that'll be thrown their way!

I Hope You Enjoy.

​- Ugonna Obiagwu, creator of "Low Porosity"


Please! Please! One question at a time!

Q: When Did The Comic Start?

A: Though I've been making online content since 2014 at 11 Years ago, this specific auto-biographical work, "Low Porosity" started in June of 2021. It was originally reminiscent of a YouTube series of videos I produced called "It's Ugo" (That of which was reminiscent of my first full-length web-series, "OmegaUgo", another auto-biographical work, specifcally from my adolescence). That series was then reworked into becoming the foundation for the comic!

Q: What does 'low porosity' even mean? Why is it the name of your comic?

A: Often in the comic you'll see things mentioned such as '4c' or 'porosity'. These terms describe my hair. My hair is type 4C, and is 'Low Porosity'. Porosity describes your hair's ability to retain water (There's ways you can test your own hair's porosity! All you need is a hair and a cup of water! If it sinks, you have High Porosity, if it floats-- join the club!). I decided to make this the name of my comic as I feel like a lot of things regarding Black/Afro hair (or really, Black people in general) come with negative connotations. To do my part in remedying this, I wanted to instill this fundamental part of my identity--as it refers to something I have a lot of pride in--into the name of a rather bubbly, positive comic.

Q: Who are the characters in the comic?

A: Like some of my previous works, Low Porosity is an auto-biographical comic. The locations, storylines, and characters are all essentially fictional twists on real life people and things. Most if not all of Ugo's friends emulates one of my close friends in real life. The voice actors, as of right now that is, are ALSO the voices of those same IRL friends.

Q: What do you use to draw? Name all the software and hardware!

A: I draw on a XP-PEN 15.6in Display Drawing Tablet that Gabe got me for Christmas one year. I love it. In terms of software, I switch back and forth between Photoshop and Paint Tool Sai 2 for drawing. For editing, I use Adobe Premiere Pro, and record my audio using GarageBand or Adobe Audition (depending on the day/purpose). Audio is recorded on a Blue Yeti mic, but again, depending on the purpose, I use my school's Sound Booth. My PC I do everything on was built in 2021, named "Stardust" (named after my favorite Sonic level, Stardust Speedway). I've got an Ryzen 5600x an RTX 2060 Super and 32g of RAM. My PC is my pride and joy. Lastly, in case anyone was wondering, the IDE I used for this website is Visual Studio.

Q: How long does it take to make a comic?

A: Comics are planned anywhere from a few months, to a year in advance. Drawing the comic takes a few hours from start-to-finish.

Q: What is Ugondle Opaque Creations?

A: Getting it's name from what I consider the worst pronunciation of my first and last name ever (I have a theme of empowering myself through negative things by using them as names if you couldn't tell), UOC is essentially my "studio name". I've made a lot of works seperate from Low Porosity, (as evident on the YouTube page for the comic) and I'll continue to make more in tandem with the comic, such as short films, games, you name it. To keep it all organized, it's all under Ugondle Opaque Creations. "Low Porosity" is to UOC, in the same way that "Mickey Mouse" is to "Disney", I like to put it. Low Porosity also acts as the prime face of the studio as well.

Q: I've been following you for a while online, are you ever going to return to older projects like In Harmony?

A: This question always makes me feel a little sad because of the direction my life and art took after In Harmony premiered on what is now the channel where Low Porosity animations are uploaded to. I spent years working on the lore and the world of In Harmony, and all of that culminated into the pilot being released in September of 2020. The original goal, was to produce the show in its entirety. But unfortunately, it became quickly apparent that the amount of time I would have to produce it was very limited. In Harmony, although fun, was a VERY demanding endeavor. As someone about to enter college I knew continuing the show would be difficult, or impossible. In Harmony's story has a lot of twists and turns, and I describe the plot later down the line as "non-linear". My biggest fear was having to cancel the show in the middle of an important arc, or after a massive cliffhanger. So I decided it was best to put the show on hiatus indefinitely, and return to it when the stars aligned once again. Now that Low Porosity is my new "gig" the future of other Ugondle Opaque Creations projects may seem uncertain. But rest assured, Low Porosity is simply another UOC project itself. And while I intend for Low Porosity to always be around, through the rest of my career, I do intend to fully erect UOC and all of its projects into its own defined brand one day. I intend to make my comics but also produce my original short films and shows. How and when this all will happen is up to time, and whenever I'm able to assmeble a team that works on these UOC projects. But my head is in the present. And it's happy here as well. In Harmony, and more UOC projects that have yet to even see the light of the day, are still on the way. I just want to do it when I know I can do it justice and tell the story in its entirety, without killing myself. A workflow.. that's in harmony...

If you happen to have any more questions, I'm on Twitter! Shoot me a DM, @low_porosity